Cleaning Windows
Took yesterday off from this, so I may go a bit longer! Today, a song from an artist whose music I love and who's also taken every oportunity to be a 28-karat prick. From being notoriously late for his own shows or not showing up at all, in one case cutting the support act's set short because the Lonnie Brooks Blues Band was killing it and Van the Man would not be shown up, so he gave Lonnie the hook (I was at that show), to phoning it in while standing at the back of the stage all night from audience view or (been to a couple of those), sometimes not showing up because he "didn't feel like it" but kept his 50% deposit, physically abusing his guitar tech on stage for trying to untangle the guitar cable he'd managed to get wrapped up around his ankle because he has zero stage awareness (I witnessed this and talked with the guitar tech after who told me, "We're 13 days into this regional 3-week tour, 9 guys on the crew, I'm one of 2 still here, he ...
My coach and friend Bill Drummy inspired this one. Amazing coach and friend. His taste in music ain't too shabby!