Escape (The Pina Colada Song)

Oh boy... if you grew up in the 70s or 80s, you know this song. With my first serious girfriend, Jodi and I had a fairly respectable record collection in our Jersey apartment, '93-94, way before vinyl became all the retro rage. We had this on 45. Fast forward 20+ years from there in Seattle, it gets stupid. I made a tuna casserole but instead of using water I used Chelada, a beer flavored with tomato and clam juice. Thought I was onto something. Despite my ex-wife's constant "this is not gonna turn out well" warnings, I insisted on its forthcoming greatness and while preparing the dish, danced around the kitchen singing what I call this incredibly unfortunate dish to this day, "if you like Tuna Chelada!...Jessica was right. It was awful


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